Anyone can apply for any reason

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Part of every ticket to Swing Paradise is collected to fund a noble action – supporting Ukraine, contributing to organisations working for a better and more open Jazz dance community and giving discounts to everyone who can’t afford our festival.

Thanks to every Swing Paradise participant, 5% of all purchased tickets were used to fund our support:

€2910 were donated in 2023 to support Ukraine, CVFC and personal discounts (see full 2022 report here).

€2621 were donated in 2022 to support Ukraine’s freedom (see full 2022 report here).

Anyone can apply to Swing Paradise Fund – please provide some details below about your case and we’ll try to make it happen for you.

    Discount for festival ticketSkills to join workshopsHosting in Vilnius

    (please specify your track, level, role)
    Balboa - Full PassCollegiate Shag - Full PassSt. Louis Shag - Full PassParty Pass